How Will Things Look In The Near Future?: 6 Specifics

By Richard Brody

What will our new normal, look like, in the near future? Will there be significant differences, in terms of our day – to – day activities, and actions? As a result of the combination of our fears (actual, and perceived), as well as genuine public health issues/ concerns, what changes are we most likely, to see? At the perceived, end, of this pandemic, will people return to previous habits, or, is more likely, there will be some changes made, some, mandatory, and others, smart and preventive? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 specific areas/ things/ items, which are probably, the most likely changes, we will witness.

1. Face coverings; Social Distancing: In many Asian nations, as well as, how many individuals, from those heritages, behave and react, the horrific experiences, from the SARS epidemic, during the last decade, the vast majority, voluntarily wear masks/ face coverings, when they are in public! Will we learn from this pandemic, and take measures, to reduce the impact of future public health emergencies? While, it seems, in the parts of this country, which, have experienced, the most known cases, the vast majority of the citizens, have cooperated, putting their health, and that, of others, ahead of shorter – term economic fears/ trepidations/ concerns! However, we have also witnessed, what seems to be a vocal minority, who, proclaim, demanding face coverings, and Social Distancing, is a violation of their rights. As the nation slowly reopens, in economic terms, will it be done, intelligently/ smartly, and in a preventive manner, or, in an emotional, economic one? At least in the short – term, I believe we will observe, greater consideration of personal space, less handshaking, and reduced crowd sizes. Since four major United States airlines, have already, instituted a mask – wearing requirement, it is probably, an indication, that, industries, especially those concerned with reducing fear, and thus, restoring the public’s confidence, enough, to return. will also take similar steps.

2. Airlines; cruise lines: How might airlines, and cruise lines, restore their images, in terms of safety/ health concerns? Airlines will probably, at least for a period, require face coverings. Some may change their ventilation systems, to make them more effective, efficient, and healthier. Cruise lines must address public health concerns, in a way, which makes things, better, and is perceived, as attractive enough, to encourage passengers, to return. However, they must enhance the quality of their ventilation systems, medical facilities (and, preparedness), and thoroughness of their sanitary techniques, etc!

3. Hotels: The hotel industry has been particularly, hard – hit, and, many wonder, how some will be able to survive? For example, in New York City, statistics indicate, occupancy rates have been reduced to about 30%, even though, about 60, have closed (some will probably, never reopen), as compared to the normal rate, which is about 85%. While people will still need to go to hotels, when they travel, and business travelers, need somewhere to stay, how will hotels attract these people. What sanitary enhancements, screenings, etc, might be the new – norm?

4. Restaurants and offices: Historically, the restaurant industry is one of the most challenging. For them, to observe, Social Spacing, and other socially responsible behavior, fewer tables, more spaced – out, with fewer larger ones, might be needed. How will they, be able to be economically, viable, under those circumstances? Will face coverings, be needed? How might servers, and other workers, be protected, and protect the public? What might the office of the future, look like? Will there be far more focus, on split – shifts, telecommuting, and will this bring about, a need for less office space? How might this impact, the economic viability of larger office buildings? Especially, what changes, might be needed, regarding elevators, etc?

5. Malls; stores: Will some people be afraid to return to malls? What might be needed, and necessary, to address public health needs, and concerns? Many industry experts predict, many mall – stores, and malls, will go out of business. In addition, will there be stricter occupancy restrictions, and how might, the layouts, need to change, and will it be viable? How will large department stores, need to adapt?

6. Probable precautions: What precautions may become ordinary, and implemented? Will the use of thermal screening, become far more widespread? How might cleaning, and sanitation, be enhanced, and improved, in terms of thoroughness, and total effectiveness? What measures, in terms of occupancy limits, face coverings, and Social Spacing, become the usual and ordinary?

Our world has been changed, because of this pandemic. How might we proceed, into the future, in order to be better prepared, and, incur fewer casualties, in any public health concern?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense:

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